Azure embeddings example

OpenAI LogoOpenAI LogoOpenAI Logo
Ted Sanders, Christian Mürtz, Gerardo Lecaros, et al.
Jul 12, 2022
Open in Github

In this example we'll try to go over all operations for embeddings that can be done using the Azure endpoints.
This example focuses on embeddings but also touches some other operations that are also available using the API. This example is meant to be a quick way of showing simple operations and is not meant as a tutorial.

import os
import openai


For the following sections to work properly we first have to setup some things. Let's start with the api_base and api_version. To find your api_base go to, find your resource and then under "Resource Management" -> "Keys and Endpoints" look for the "Endpoint" value.

openai.api_version = '2023-05-15'
openai.api_base = '' # Please add your endpoint here

We next have to setup the api_type and api_key. We can either get the key from the portal or we can get it through Microsoft Active Directory Authentication. Depending on this the api_type is either azure or azure_ad.

Setup: Portal

Let's first look at getting the key from the portal. Go to, find your resource and then under "Resource Management" -> "Keys and Endpoints" look for one of the "Keys" values.

openai.api_type = 'azure'
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]

Note: In this example, we configured the library to use the Azure API by setting the variables in code. For development, consider setting the environment variables instead:

# from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# default_credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
# token = default_credential.get_token("")

# openai.api_type = 'azure_ad'
# openai.api_key = token.token

A token is valid for a period of time, after which it will expire. To ensure a valid token is sent with every request, you can refresh an expiring token by hooking into requests.auth:

import typing
import time
import requests
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential

class TokenRefresh(requests.auth.AuthBase):

    def __init__(self, credential: "TokenCredential", scopes: typing.List[str]) -> None:
        self.credential = credential
        self.scopes = scopes
        self.cached_token: typing.Optional[str] = None

    def __call__(self, req):
        if not self.cached_token or self.cached_token.expires_on - time.time() < 300:
            self.cached_token = self.credential.get_token(*self.scopes)
        req.headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.cached_token.token}"
        return req

session = requests.Session()
session.auth = TokenRefresh(default_credential, [""])

openai.requestssession = session


In this section we are going to create a deployment that we can use to create embeddings.

Deployments: Create manually

Let's create a deployment using the text-similarity-curie-001 model. Create a new deployment by going to your Resource in your portal under "Resource Management" -> "Model deployments".

deployment_id = '' # Fill in the deployment id from the portal here

Deployments: Listing

Now because creating a new deployment takes a long time, let's look in the subscription for an already finished deployment that succeeded.

print('While deployment running, selecting a completed one that supports embeddings.')
deployment_id = None
result = openai.Deployment.list()
for deployment in
    if deployment["status"] != "succeeded":
    model = openai.Model.retrieve(deployment["model"])
    if model["capabilities"]["embeddings"] != True:
    deployment_id = deployment["id"]

if not deployment_id:
    print('No deployment with status: succeeded found.')
    print(f'Found a succeeded deployment that supports embeddings with id: {deployment_id}.')


Now let's send a sample embedding to the deployment.

embeddings = openai.Embedding.create(deployment_id=deployment_id,
                                     input="The food was delicious and the waiter...")